Gotye 의 M/V 의 바디페인팅 예술가 Emma Hack

2014. 7. 19. 21:41카테고리 없음

Incredible art where nude models blend 

seamlessly into graphic backgrounds get 

500 MILLION hits online

- and now artist is going to paint them live

누드모델을 그래픽배경화면에 선이 끊어지지 않고 조화
시킨 놀라운 작품은 온라인에서 5억뷰를 달성했다
- 그리고 이제 예술가는 라이브로 모델들에 페인트하려고 

  • Emma Hack is famous for her body paintings 
  • on the Gotye music video. The artist's amazing 
  • paintings have earned her 500 million Youtube 
  • hits. She paints nudes so that they blend into 
  • wall paper-like backgrounds Occasionally Emma
  • will feature live birds in her pieces Her latest 
  • exhibition will see the artist paint a nude live

엠마 헥은 꼬띠에 뮤직비디오에서의 그녀의 바디페인팅
작업을 한 예술가로 유명하다. 그 아티스트의 놀라운 페
인팅덕분에 ( 그 뮤직비디오는 ) 유튜브 5억뷰를 달성했다.
그녀는 맨살에 색을 입힌다. 그래서 그 몸이 도배지같은 
뒷배경에 섞여버리게 한다. 종종 엠마 헥은 그녀의 작품에 
살아있는 새를 포함시키기도 한다. 그녀의 최근 전시회에
서는 직접 라이브로 누드모델의 맨살에 색을 입히는 그녀
를 볼 수 있을 것이다. 


An artist has taken camouflage to the next level with her

incredible body illustrations that see her models blend 

into beautiful murals. Emma Hack, famed for her work 

on Gotye's music video, paints the skin of nude bodies 

and has amassed over 500 million Youtube hits with 

her mesmerizing work on the famous music video.

Now the Australian artist will take her work to an exciting 

new level as she prepares to paint a model live for the 

first time in a UK gallery.

한 예술가가 인체에 그린 놀라운 그녀의 그림들로 

위장의 경지를 다음 레벨로 올려놨다 .꼬띠에의 뮤

직비디오작업자로 유명한 엠마 헥은 누드모델의 피

부에 색칠을 한다 그리고 그 유명한 최면을 거는 듯

한 뮤직비디오속 그녀의 작품으로 Youtube 5억뷰

이상을 끌어모았다. 이제 그 호주 예술가는 그녀의

작품은 다음 단계로 올려놓을 것이다. 그녀는 영국 

의 한 갤러리에서 처음으로 라이브로 모델에 색을 

칠할 예정이다


Emma Hack's amazing artwork sees nude bodies blend

seamlessly into wallpaper backgrounds

엠마 헥의 놀라운 작품은 누드모델이 배경과 조금의 

오차도 없이 섞이는 것을 보여준다

The 41-year-old will spend up to 15-hours illustrating

the nude's skin to make her blend into the background

of an artwork.

이 41살의 예술가는  그녀의  한 삽화배경에 누드모델을

섞여 보이게 하기 위해 15시간가량 누드모델의 피부에 

색칠해야 할 것이다.


    The exhibition that will be shown at the Rebecca Hossack

    Gallery in London is made up of Emma's latest collections.

    The collection, entitle Blossom, features four wallpaper 

    artworks by the later interior designer Florence Broadhurst 

    that Emma uses as a backdrop for her models. 

    Emma who will be creating the live installation at the gallery

    on the preview day  says that she is not nervous to be doing 

    her work in front of an audience but she is worried about 

    becoming distracted.

    'I don't find it daunting, but it is exhausting and time-consuming, 

    also chatting to viewers distracts me so I do plan to create as

     much as possible prior to the public viewing.'

    런던의 Rebecca Hossack Gallery 에 전시될 그 전시회는 

    엠마의 최근 작품들로 구성될 것이다. 블로섬이라고 명명된 그 

    콜렉션은 엠마가 그녀의 모델들의 배경으로 사용한 신예 인테

    리어 디자이너 ,플로렌스 불오더스트의 배경삽화 4점이 포함된


    엠마는 시사회날에 그 갤러리에서 실연을 할 예정인 엠마씨는 

    그녀가 관객들앞에서 작업을 하는 것은 두렵지 않으나 조금 산

    만하게 되지 않을까 걱정했다.

    하지만 그것이 위협이 될꺼라 생각은 안한다. 하지만 그건 지치

    고 시간이 많이 소모될 것이고 또한 나를 산만하게 할 관객들

    과 이야기도 해야 한다. 그래서 난 공개관람에 선행해서 가능한

    많이 작업할 계획이다.

    Birds of a feather: Emma often includes live birds in her pieces

    Birds of a feather: Emma often includes live birds in her pieces

    The Australian (left) artist will paint a nude live in front of an audience at a London Gallery

    The Australian (left) artist will paint a nude live in front of an audience at a London Gallery

    Emma is most famous for painting Gotye, in music video Somebody That I Used To Know

    Emma is most famous for painting Gotye, in music video 

    Somebody That I Used To Know

    For Emma the process of creating her work can be a 

    lengthily one as she says she has many things to 

    consider when coming up with the design.

    'Generally I research the idea and look at photos I have 

    taken from my travels. I consider what I want the viewer 

    to feel, how the flow of composition appears for the viewer.

    'I then either paint a background or choose some 

    wallpaper from an archive, before heading into the studio 

    with my model, slowly painting her outer edges, then filling 

    in the detail on centre of the form.'

    Feathered friend: A nude model wears nothing more than a glove to protect herself from the bird of prey she poses with

    Feathered friend: A nude model wears nothing more than a glove to protect herself from the bird of prey she poses with

    Barely there: A model is hardly visible as she poses with a peacock, 

    Emma says she is often inspired by her travels when coming up with 

    design ideas

    Emma (left) says she used to feel quite uncomfortable painting nudes as she was self-conscious herself

    Emma (left) says she used to feel quite uncomfortable painting 

    nudes as she was self-conscious herself

    In an exciting twist several pieces called Birds of a Feather 

    feature live birds that are held by the naked models, who 

    wear nothing more than a glove to protect their hands.

    Emma says that having live animals in the piece can add 

    complications so she doesn't involve them until completion.

    'If there is a bird in the work, they arrive towards the end of 

    the process and are positioned. I then photograph the results.'

    A live owl does its best still-life impression in one of Emma's bird scenes

    A live owl does its best still-life impression in one of Emma's bird scenes

    Emma makes it her aim to make her models feel as comfortable as possible when painting them

    Emma makes it her aim to make her models feel as comfortable 

    as possible when painting them

    Although Emma seems completely at ease with the 

    nudes that she works with she admits that she wasn't 

    always so comfortable with the naked body. 

    'In the beginning I found the nude models daunting as 

    I have always been quite shy about my own body.

    'I think this is why I was trusted by my first models as I 

    always make sure they are comfortable with what I am 


    Despite each piece taking between eight and 15 hours 

    to complete Emma is not yet jaded by the process and 

    says that working with animals makes her job entirely 


    'You never know what to expect working with birds and 

    animals. The owl is very cute, but also very naughty and 

    it is hard getting him to look at me.

    'We tend to throw things on the ground or play phone 

    sounds to make noise to get his attention.

    'It's very hard for the model to hold a straight face while 

    this is happening and quite often they get the giggles.' 

    The exhibition will be on show Rebecca Hossack Art 

    Gallery in London from June 25 until August 2. 

    Emma throws objects on the ground and plays phone sounds to get the birds' attention when photographing them

    Emma throws objects on the ground and plays phone sounds 

    to get the birds' attention when photographing them

    Emma preserves her work by photographing the models once they are painted

    Emma preserves her work by photographing the models once they are painted

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