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2008. 8. 17. 01:323d studio MAX/3ds max tutorial

Football tutorial.

Learn to make you own "real" soccerball in 3D Studio MAX. The method described in this tutorial is a bit more advanced then making a simple sphere and putting a texture map on it. This is because the type of ball described in this tutorial can be seen very close, and it has the small cracks between the small leather pieces that forms the ball.

For the tutorial I assume you have a small general knowledge of 3D Studio MAX.

ball.jpg (26480 bytes)


First start up 3D Studio MAX, and maximise the viewport called "top" using the "Min/Max Toggle" button.
2. Now make a NGon by clicking "Create/Shapes/NGon" set it to "circumscribed" and set the sides to 5. Press the left mouse in the viewport and drag until the NGon’s radius is about 100. icon07.gif (152 bytes)  icon08.gif (146 bytes)
3. Now left-click "Select and move" so it will be highlighted. Then click it again, but this time with the right mouse button. icon01.gif (149 bytes)
4. Then the "Move Transform Type-In" window appears. Under "Absolute: World" type 0 in the 3 fields. Now the Ngon’s pivot will be located in (0,0,0). Close the window again.
5. First left-click and then right-click the "Select and Rotate" button. icon02.gif (156 bytes)
6. Then the "Rotate Transform Type-In" window appears. Under "Offset: Screen" type –90 in the Z-field. Close the window again.
7. Now press "modify" and set the radius of the NGon to 68.819. and you should know have something that looks like this when you zoom out. screen01.gif (490 bytes)
And as we know a ball doesn’t consist only of 5-sided NGon’s. We have to make another NGon with 6 sides
8. Press "Create/Shapes/NGon" set it to "inscribed and set the sides to 6. Press the left mouse in the viewport and drag until the NGon’s radius is about 100.
9. Right after the second NGon is made, press "modify" and set the radius to exactly 100.
10. Now we need to align the two NGon’s. This is done by right-clicking the "3D Snap Toggle" and mark the box called vertex. Then close the window again. icon03.gif (156 bytes)
11. Press "s" to enable Snap, if it isn’t already enabled.
12. Left-click the "Select and Move" button. Then move the mouse over the vertex of the 6-sided NGon (As seen on the picture), until a small cross appears, which means the vertex snap is active. Then left-click the mouse and drag it over the vertex of the 5-sided NGon and let go of the mouse button. screen02.gif (605 bytes) screen03.gif (575 bytes)

Now you should have 2 NGon’s that is align to each other, so the edges of the 5-sided and 6-sided NGon’s is equal to each other.

While the 2 NGon’s is placed in a "flat" position, this would be a good time to add the UVW mapping coordinates.

13. Select the 5-sided NGon. Add a "UVW Map modifier". Now take a screenshot of the screen by pressing "print screen" on your keyboard. Go to your favorite 2D program and hit paste, and cut out the image within the yellow lines of the UVW map. Save the image, this image will help you to create your texture map when you are finished modeling.
14. Now select the 6-sided NGon. Add a "UWV Map modifier" and take a new screenshot as described above.
Now we have to copy and rotate these 2 pieces so they will form a ball. To do this we have to adjust the pivot point of the 6-sided NGon.
15. With the 6-Sided NGon selected, press "hierarchy/affect pivot only" and right-click the "3D Snap Toggle" and mark pivot. Close the window again. icon09.gif (192 bytes)
16. Then move your mouse over the edge of the 6-sided NGon, until a big cyan box appears, then left-click the mouse, and drag it to the lower left vertex. Now the pivot should be placed exactly in that vertex.  screen04.gif (951 bytes) screen05.gif (887 bytes)
17. Now press "affect pivot only" again, so it’s not active any more.
18. Now with the 6-sided NGon selected, left-click and right-click "Select and Rotate" button.
19. Then the "Rotate Transform Type-In" window appears. Under "Offset: Screen" type 37.377 in the X field. Close the window again.
20. Right-click the "3D Snap Toggle" again and unmark the pivot snap, It’s so annoying!
21. With the 6-Sided NGon selected, move your mouse over the lower left vertex, until the vertex snap is active, hold shift down, left-click your mouse and hold it, drag your mouse to the vertex as showed on the image. And let go of the mouse. screen06.gif (771 bytes) screen07.gif (862 bytes)
22. Now rotate the new NGon 72 degrees along its z-axis. By pressing "Select and Rotate" and by restricting the rotation to the Z-axis. It might be necessary to take off the snap, by pressing "s"
23. Now do this 3 times more, so you will get something that looks like the picture. screen08.gif (1110 bytes)

You can now see that the bottom of the ball is being formed, but it’s far from done.

24. Select the 5-sided NGon. Press "Select and Move" hold down shift and click you left mouse button, and drag the object down so it's placed beneath the bottom of the ball. screen09.gif (1260 bytes)
25. With the new NGon selected press the "Select and Rotate" button and rotate the NGon 180 degrees along its z-axis.
26. Press "Select and Move" and move your mouse over the vertex placed in the top of the new NGon. When vertex snap is active, left-click and drag your mouse to the vertex above the top vertex of the selected NGon, then let go of the mouse button. You should have a result like this image. screen10.gif (1238 bytes)
27. With the new 5-Sided NGon selected, press "hierarchy/affect pivot only", and then press "align" and press the new 5-sided NGon. icon10.gif (160 bytes)
28. Then mark the "Y position" and under "Current Object" mark pivot. And under "Target Object" mark "maximum" and press ok.
The pivot point of the new object is now placed in the top vertex… I hope..
29. Press "affect pivot only" again, so it’s not active any more.
30. Now left-click and rightclick the "Select and Rotate" button Then the "Rotate Transform Type-In" window appears. Under "Absolute: World" type 63.442 in the Y-field. Close the window again.
Now we have one more piece that fits exactly to the rest of the ball.
31. Now copy the new 5-Sided NGon around to the four places where they fit using the vertex snap. And rotate them 72 degrees around their Z-axis. Your result should look like this. screen11.gif (1324 bytes)
32. Select the 6-Sided NGon that is placed in the top of the screen.
33. Make a copy of this NGon so the vertex placed in the bottom to the left fits the vertex in the top to the left. Like on the image. screen12.gif (1374 bytes)
34. With the new 6-Sided NGon selected, get the "Rotate Transform Type-In" up, I think you know how to by now. Set the X-field to 79.178
35. Now copy the new 6-Sided NGon around to the four places where they fit using the vertex snap. And rotate them 72 degrees around their Z-axis. Just like you did with the 5-sided NGon’s before. And your result should look like this. screen13.gif (1475 bytes)
You can see that you have created something that looks like a circle. And this should form the bottom of the ball.
36. Now press "f" on the keyboard. You should now see through the viewport "front"
37. Select all the NGon’s. Copy them all so you have two "ball bottoms" placed above each other. Like on the image. screen14.gif (4371 bytes)
38. With all the new NGon’s selected press the "Select and Rotate" button and rotate them 180 degrees around their z-axis.
39. Now press "t" to see through the top viewport. And with all the new NGon’s selected rotate them 36 degrees around their Z-axis.
40. Now press "u" to see through the "user" view, and spin around the ball using the "Arc Rotate" icon05.gif (161 bytes)
41. You can see that you all most have a ball now, there is only a small gap between the two parts, fix this by using the "Select and Move" button using vertex snap.
You should now have a ball…!! Well, almost, its a bit flat. But let's fix that.
42. Press "t" again to see through the "top" viewport.
43. Select all the NGon by pressing "h" on the keyboard, and select them there.
44. Add a "edit mesh" modifier, and go to "sub-object/faces" and select all the faces. Under normals press "flip" (its placed in the bottom of the "roll-out"
45. With all the faces selected add a "meshsmooth" modifier. Mark "Quad Output", set iterations to "3".
46. Now add a "spherify" modifier. By now you should have a round ball.
47. Add a "face extrude" modifier. And set "amount" to 3.
48. Add "meshsmooth" modifier again. Mark "Quad Output", mark "Apply To whole Mesh". Set iterations to "2" and mark "Smooth Result". If you don't want a ball with that many faces, set iterations to 1.

You should now have a perfect mesh of a football, all you need to do is assign the materials, and you will have a ball. If you need a texture on the ball, remember to use the screendumps of the mapping coordinates.

If you manage to make some nice images using this football tutorial, please mail them to me. I can then showcase them on this page, so other people can see what this tutorial is good for.



This tutorial is written by:
Thomas Suurland | www.suurland.com | thomas@suurland.com

Download this tutorial for offline browsing here

This tutorial is Copyright ?1999 Thomas Suurland | www.suurland.com

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