Lewis Capaldi - Before You Go 가사 / 발음 / 연음

2020. 3. 1. 22:36가수별 .../......

Before You Go

I fell by the wayside like everyone else

(아) 풰우바더 웨이싸잇 라이케븨 웨  넬스

I hate you, I hate you, I hate you 

아헤이츄아 헤이츄아 헤이츄

but I was just kidding myself

부라 워저스 키른 마아세웁

Our every moment, I start to replace

아 에브히 모우멘 아 스따흐르 뤼푸레이스

'Cause now that they're gone 

커스나우 더떠어 고우노라

all I hear were the words that I needed to say

히어워더  워저라 니디투 쎄이 

When you hurt under the surface

(웬) 유허 런더러 써퓌스

Like troubled water running cold

라익 츠뤄붑 워러 허닌 코오오오우드 

Well, time can heal but this won't

우 따임껀 히우벗 디스워어어운 

So, before you go

쏘우 비풔 유 고우

Was there something I could've said 

우스떼 썸띠나 쿠릅 쎄에두

to make your heart beat better?

메이키어 하흐빕 베러

If only I'd have known you had a storm to weather

폰리 아아댑노운 유해더 스또흠 투웨더

So, before you go

쏘우 비풔 유 고우

Was there something I could've said 

우스떼 썸띠나 쿠릅 쎄에두

to make it all stop hurting?

메이키로우 스땁 허흐린

It kills me how your mind 

(입) 키우스 미 하우여 마인쿱

could make you feel so worthless

메이키우 퓌우 쏘 워뜰리스

So, before you go

쏘우 비풔 유 고우 

Was never the right time whenever you called

우스 네붜더 롸이타임  워네버유 코욷

Went little by little by little until there was nothing at all

웬리를바 리를바 리를 언티우더 워즈 나띠네로우

Our every moment, I start to replay

아 에븨히 모멘 아스따흐르 뤼푸레이

But all I can think about is seeing that look on your face

(버) 로우라캔 띵커바우리즈 씨은넛  루콘여 풰이스 

When you hurt under the surface

(웬)유허 런더러 써퓌스

Like troubled water running cold

라익 츠뤄붑 워러 허닌 코오오오우드 

Well, time can heal but this won't

우 따임껀 히우벗 디스워어어운 

So, before you go

쏘우 비풔 유 고우

Was there something I could've said 

우스데  썸띠나 쿠릅 쎄에두

to make your heart beat better?

메이키어 하흐빕 베러

If only I'd have known you had a storm to weather

이폰리 아아댑노운 유해더 스또흠 투웨더

So, before you go

쏘우 비풔 유 고우

Was there something I could've said 

우스떼 썸띠나 쿠릅 쎄에두

to make it all stop hurting?

메이키로우 스땁 허흐린

It kills me how your mind 

(입) 키우스 미 하우여 마인쿱

could make you feel so worthless

메이키우 퓌우 쏘 워뜰리스

So, before you go

쏘우 비풔 유 고우 

Would we be better off by now

우뒤비 베러롭 바이 나우

If I'd have let my walls come down

이퐈댑 렙마이 워우스 컴 다운 

Maybe I guess we'll never know

메이비야 게스 위우 네버 노우

You know, you know

유노우 유노우

before you go

비풔 유 고우

Was there something I could've said 

우스떼  썸띠나 쿠듭 쎄에두

to make your heart beat better?

메이키어 하흐빕 베러

If only I'd have known you had a storm to weather

폰리 아아댑노운 유해더 스또흠 투웨더

So, before you go

쏘우 비풔 유 고우

Was there something I could've said 

우스떼 썸띠나 쿠릅 쎄에두

to make it all stop hurting?

메이키로우 스땁 허흐린

It kills me how your mind 

(입) 키우스미 하우여 마인쿱

could make you feel so worthless

메이키우 퓌우 쏘 워뜰리스

So, before you go

쏘우 비풔 유 고우 

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