Enya - Caribbean Blue

2015. 11. 2. 22:55가수별 .../Oldies But Goodies

"It is much easier to imagine a beautiful place 

on a rainy day than to imagine a dreary one. It

is a simple fact, often forgotten, that people 

may create something good merely by thinking

it so. A day-dream is as rich a gift as any. 

Like Afer Ventus, the wind from Africa, or Eurus,

the East wind, Boreas from the North or 

the gentle Zephyrus, the imagination is free and 

can choose and create its own journey. 

As with all dreams we reach for the ideal, and 

Caribbean Blue represents such a dream." 

---taken  from the sheet music book 

of "Shepherd Moons" album

Caribbean Blue

Afer Ventus

So the world goes round and round
With all you ever knew
They say the sky high above
Is Caribbean blue...

If every man says all he can,
If every man is true,
Do I believe the sky above
Is Caribbean blue...

... Boreas...
... Zephryus...

If all you told was turned to gold,
If all you dreamed was new,
Imagine sky high above
In Caribbean blue...

... Eurus...
Afer Ventus...
... Boreas
... Africus...

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